3 Ways to Find Affiliate Programs for Niche Sites

Find Affiliate Programs for Niche Sites

Finding affiliate programs to market for your niche site should be an easy process. This post will talk about how to find affiliate programs for Niche sites. You will learn important things to check before enrolling in a program, and find opportunities.

ClickBank Marketplace

ClickBank is one of the largest directory to find profitable affiliate programs to promote on your niche sites. If you are in the health niche and struggle to find paying programs, then its good that you sign up on clickBank and start making money.

And if you have an account already, you can browse through different categories there. You can also search an affiliate program by its name if you know it by using the search feature in the clickbank marketplace.

Google SERPs

Yes google is one of the most resourceful tools to find affiliate programs for niche sites. You do that using search operators. 

To find an affiliate program for certain types of product, you can search “[Product Category Name] Affiliate Program.” on Google For example domain flipping affiliate programs. 


And if you already know the name of the product, all you need to do is replace the “Product Category” with the “Product Name” and an example will be “Apple Affiliate Program.

Using these search operators you will get tons of pages made available to you on the Google search results.

Quick one for you, some companies don’t use Affiliate program as their wording which can make it  hard to find them instead they use partner program, you can use Partner Programs in your search operator instead of affiliate program.

Use Affiliate Directories

This is the easiest way to find an affiliate program for niche sites. There are a lot of directories who list affiliate programs for niche site owners to use in finding profitable niche affiliate programs.

One of them which proves to be more reliable is Affilisting

With Affilisting, you will be able to find an affiliate program for your niche site in minutes without needing to stress over research.

Whatever information or data you need to determine if a program is made available to you. It has over 11,000 affiliate programs listed so you can easily find them using filters based on the kind of niche site you are running.

How to Find Affiliate Programs for Niche Sites Using Affilisting

Let’s say you have a VPN Niche site and you are looking for programs with great opportunities to join. Here is what you can do with Affilisting.

  • Login to your account or sign up for the trial version to continue
  • Navigate to the “For you” page


  • Click on update your preferences
  • You will be provided with options to choose between one time or recurring programs or both. Most VPNs are one time purchases to choose one time
  • Choose the kind of product your niche site is about. VPN is a digital service, select it or you can set it to all.
  • Choose your tags based on your niche, you are allowed only 5. Search and select VPN, Security, Proxy API, Proxies, and privacy. Click on valid once done.
  • Click on “Valid Selection” to get all the programs based on your filter.


You will get all the affiliate programs for your VPN niche site and the top 6 will be recommended first which might be your thing.

If you don’t like the top 6 recommended VPN Affiliate Programs, you can choose what you like from the rest of the list and apply right away.

Finding niche ideas is another amazing thing you can do with affilisting tool. You get up to 90 niche ideas updated weekly for you.

From there you can discover at least 5 programs to promote within a niche you choose to dabble into.


What Are The important things to check?

Company Credibility

How credible or reliable an affiliate program is will determine how much you can make. Because programs without credible history may not be trustworthy. 

Is the company well known? If the company is well known and reliable you can promote them otherwise you need to check if your site will be able to rank.

Because aside from the platform to being reliable you need to make sure your site’s SEO is strong enough to propel you to the top.

Has The Company been reviewed?

An affiliate platform being reviewed can be checked for legitimacy or how fraudulent they are. So make sure affiliate programs you want to join don’t have bad reviews.  Bad reviews are indicators that they are not a great choice.

Are they offering diverse products?

Programs with different products within makes decision making  easy. You can navigate from which product to promote or negotiate deals with them.

Not just that, you can always switch products when one is not converting or perform an A/B test.

In conclusion

These methods are the ones I use to discover affiliate programs for niche sites. They make finding niche sites a lot easier. You can ether use clickbank,